Julie Casey of The Sundance Life led a wild edible and medicinal plant walk at Salt Springs State Park today. The weather was beautifully cooperative, if a bit windy, making it a little difficult to use our hand lenses to examine the specimens we found! Everyone appeared to have a great time, and a few even learned a thing or two - even if it was only that being able to properly identify and harvest the nutritious and tasty foods available free to all honestly is possible without having to obtain a degree from Harvard!
The herbalist educational program is a new feature at Salt Springs, which is adding exciting programs all the time. Watch their schedule for Julie to re-appear, possibly even this fall or winter and in the meantime be certain to sign up for David Fisher’s wild mushroom foray in the fall! Many thanks go to David for introducing Julie to Salt Springs, to Nancy W. for her months of efforts to bring a program like this together and make it appear to be “easy,” and to Maddie for her willingness to catch a photo or two of the action.
For those who chose to attend this event amongst all the other options available to them - thank you for being one of the most responsive and enjoyable groups I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I hope that I was able to give at least as much as I received from all of you!
If you were with us on the walk today please do take a moment to let me know you stopped by!
Hi Julie!
I had a chance to see your presentation today. It was fun and informative! I'm somewhat new to herbals and medicinals -- Is there a good "beginners" plant that you recommend starting with?
Hello Michael .. hands down I would start with stinging nettle, one of my favorites. If you are leery of gathering it go ahead and check into buying some for making teas and such. My second thought is start with any plant or herb .. no more than three and take the time to really get to know them.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write!
Hi Julie,
I felt inspired by your walk/talk at Salt Springs State park and appreciated all of your knowledge. I have been doing natural health for years now using herbs and homeopathy and have been interested in knowing more and more about
wild edibles/medicinals and how I can make my own!
I got home yesterday and found all of the plants that you talked about
right on my property! I have a whole "crop" of jewel weed under my
front deck!
I look forward to your next walk through the woods at Salt Springs!
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